Traffic tunnels in Brazil

    Traffic tunnels in Brazil - LDA References


Über dieses Projekt

LDA Audio Tech has supplied the public address and voice evacuation systems for three major traffic tunnels in Brazil.

These are the Morro Agudo tunnel and the Morro do Formigão tunnel, both in the state of Santa Catarina, and the Morro Alto tunnel, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Each of them has an EN 54 certified system consisting of a NEO-8060 main unit with extensions, a local MPS-8Z microphone and noise probes connected to an Ethernet ZES-22 analog-to-digital converter for automatic gain control.

In the case of the Morro Alto tunnel, a control center has been located with a server that houses the SIME Control and SIME EVAC software. In addition, additional remote MPS-8Z microphones were installed, connected by NEXO to the other two tunnels to ensure full system integration.

The tunnels are managed by the CCR Group, responsible for the CCR ViaCosteira and CCR ViaSul concessions, which operate the BR-101 highway. The integrator in charge of the implementation was Convergint.