Faculty of Psychology, University of Padua

University of Padua - LDA References


Centros educativos
Su questo progetto

Although it is one of the oldest universities in the world, the Padua campus boasts modern facilities that accommodate more than 60,000 students in total.

The Faculty of Psychology is one such building, equipped with a wide range of services and infrastructures, including LDA Audio Tech public address and voice evacuation systems.

This project, developed by our partner Phoebus, uses ONE systems in loop mode. This makes it possible to create a multi-zone system by linking ONE-500 units in cascade through a proprietary UTP wired ring and using the ONE-LOOP communication module as an accessory.

At the Padua campus, 10 ONE units have been used, together with a VAP-1 fire panel and three MPS-8Z microphone desks.

Thanks to its double certification EN 54-16 and EN 54-4, ONE helps to comply with the current Italian regulations on fire safety and voice evacuation systems in public spaces.

(Image: Stefano Chinellato / CC0 BY-SA 4.0 DEED)